Monday, January 14, 2008

Caldecott Musings

Treating you to a lovely photo of the redwood walk we went on yesterday. So much coolness just ten minutes from my house....

I've been thinking about the ALA awards that were announced today. For those of you who are my nonwriterly friends, these are like the Oscars for books. The Caldecott award is given to their choice for the best illustrated book of the year. This has traditionally meant a picture book for young children. This year's winner is The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, an amazing illustrated book that at 550 pages is most definitely not for young kids.

This choice left me divided. On one hand, it's so nice to see something out of the ordinary chosen, but I can't help feel that books for young children got ripped off. As I said on one of the writer's boards, it's almost like the big kids horning in on the second grader's foursquare game. I think that with the popularity of illustrated books and graphic novels, there needs to be a new category (or two) added. I want my Caldecott saved for young kids. Sorry.

On this date: In 1954, Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio.

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