Friday, May 8, 2009


I had a funny conversation with my son's third-grade teacher yesterday. We were talking about the book that is coming out in July and the copyedits for the novel that I'd just finished. Like a lot of adults, particularly those in education, she was pretty impressed that I'd been published and can't wait to get a copy of my book. Then she said that she imagined that the kids were thrilled. Um, actually, no.

I mean, they're happy for me and all, but the fact that their mother will have not one but two books out in the next twelve months is about as exciting as the fact that we're having tacos for dinner. Nice, but nothing to write home about. They were more excited that they got no homework this week because of testing.

While it was a completely surreal experience to read an actual copy of When It's Six O'clock in San Francisco to my son at bedtime last week, he just shut it and said, "Hmm, good book. What's next?" "But look," says I, "there's a picture of all of us in the back! You're going to have your face in a book that will be all over the world!" "Cool," he says. "Can we read The Lawn Weenies again?" My older son refers to my writer friends as "Those author-geeks." The last time he did that, I waved a signed copy of Ellen Hopkin's Identical in his face and ranted about "author-geeks". "Whatever," he said, and left the room.

I started to think that if any of my books actually take off and become popular, then maybe they'll be impressed. I mean, Stephenie Meyer's kids are probably totally stoked to have her as their mom. And then I got to thinking - I'm sure that when she's not being a fabulously famous writer, she probably has to tell them to pick up their socks and to try to pee IN the toilet rather than in the approximate LOCATION of the toilet. She can't spend all her days sitting in a throne and pounding out bestsellers- at some point, she must turn into a regular, nagging mom.

So, success may finally impress my kids. Maybe when they see a book written by little old moi on the store or library shelves they'll realize just what a big deal this is for me.

But I doubt it.

On this date: In 1945, VE Day was celebrated in America and Britain.

1 comment:

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

is that your baby? adoreable.