Tuesday, February 3, 2015


So...I've been gone. For a long time. A lot has happened in the past six months - my son is applying to college, our dog finally grew all of his hair back and I got diagnosed with cancer. Mostly it's the cancer that's been keeping me away.

I don't want to bore you with the details, but out of nowhere and with no family history I was diagnosed in June with stage IV colon cancer that has metastasized to all sorts of fun places like my brain, bones and liver. It's been hard to concentrate enough to read, much less write, so I've put most things on hold until recently. My new book is coming out in just a few short weeks and we're settling into a 'new normal' with my chemo treatments, so I feel like I'm starting to come back and will hopefully be able to participate in real life a lot more.

If you want to follow along on this medical journey, you can friend me on my Facebook page and send me a message that you'd like to be added to the closed cancer group. I don't post every day, but it's been an easy way for people to keep up with what's going on. Right now things are pretty stable and it feels like we have more of a handle on this than we ever have, so I plan on sticking around for awhile. 

Thanks for the support and I hope you enjoy THE THIRD TWIN in just a few short weeks!

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