Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Inheritance Giveaway!


  The triangular spaceship hovered motionless in the sky above Reese Holloway's house, as inscrutable as a black hole. It had seemed like a good idea when they were inside: to tell the truth about what happened to them at Area 51. It didn't seem like such a good idea now.
Reese and David are not normal teens—not since they were adapted with alien DNA by the Imria, an extraterrestrial race that has been secretly visiting Earth for decades. Now everyone is trying to get to them: the government, the Imria, and a mysterious corporation that would do anything for the upper hand against the aliens.
Beyond the web of conspiracies, Reese can't reconcile her love for David with her feelings for her ex-girlfriend Amber, an Imrian. But her choice between two worlds will play a critical role in determining the future of humanity, the Imria's place in it, and the inheritance she and David will bring to the universe.
In this gripping sequel to Adaptation, Malinda Lo brings a thoughtful exploration of adolescence, sexuality, and "the other" to a science fiction thriller that is impossible to put down.

INHERITANCE is finally here! I couldn't wait to get my hands on this sequel to ADAPTATION, so I jumped at the chance to read an advance copy. It takes the story in the first book so much further and answers so many questions, both about Reese, Amber and David as well as the world as a whole. Will Reese and David find out what happened to them in Area 51? Will Reese and Amber rekindle their relationship, or will she stay with David? And why do the Imria look so much like us? The answers will make you think long after the last page has turned.

I love this series and I know you will too. To celebrate the release of this awesome story, I'm giving away a hardcover copy right here on the blog.  If you can't wait (and I don't blame you) you can find both books at major bookstores and online at Barnes and Noble, Indiebound and Amazon.  Good luck!


  1. DESPERATE to get hold of a copy of this!!

  2. I haven't read Adaptation yet, but it's sitting on my shelf, staring at me. I'll move it to the top of the pile now :)

  3. Sarah arbitraryorangeSeptember 25, 2013 at 9:17 AM

    Just finished adaptation, can't wait to read inheritence!

  4. Ooooh, just read Adaption and I would love a chance to read the next one!

  5. So eager to continue. After finishing Adaptation recently, I am just in NEED of this one.

  6. I am so so so excited that Inheritance is out! I haven't started Adaptation yet, but I loved Ash and Huntress, and love Malinda's blog.

  7. Read Adaptation in two sittings, only stopping to get some sleep. Can't wait to read the conclusion of the story!

  8. I so desperately want to read this!!! This series looks so good and I've been hearing awesome reviews too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Just bought Adaptation this week. Have heard only good things about these books!

  10. I'd love to win a copy!

  11. I think I read Adaptation and Natural Selection each 3 times while waiting for Inheritance. A hardcopy would be the perfect excuse to read Inheritance again!


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